The crisis of apolitical politics
Issue-based movements and disparate organizations won’t be enough.
Issue-based movements and disparate organizations won’t be enough.
We are recycling our archaic illiberalism. White supremacists parading down the street, far-leftists punching nationalists and Neo-nazis ramming their car through protests have given a new life to the age old doubts over toleration. People are asking, again, when should we stop tolerating the intolerant? Never. Unconditional toleration is not only the best way to … Read more
This morning, I realized that I have lost my voice. I had some symptoms of the common cold the day before and noticed little cracks in my voice on the night, but the morning was when I realized that I couldn’t even make a sound. All I could do is a whisper at a high … Read more
A political revolution is much more difficult than electing new officials. In the age of anti-establishment and populist politics, the hope of a third party has seen a resurgence across the globe. The palpable sentiment that the existing political parties are too elitist or corruption-ridden to represent the interests of the common people has prompted … Read more
Originally published in Dhaka Tribune. A string of due process violations have taken place in recent times. However, not many seem to be concerned about this problem, while some have also rejoiced the outcomes. The recent bout started with the government’s campaign against drugs, which has so far seen more than a hundred deaths, many … Read more
Originally published in Dhaka Tribune. Bangladesh’s zero tolerance campaign against narcotics has stirred up a lot controversy around the abuse of power by the police, the RAB, and the government. Social media is buzzing with condemnation of alleged entrapments and killings of political and business rivals of the powerful. Writers and critics have also expressed … Read more
Originally published in Dhaka Tribune. Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) men have violently attacked peaceful participants of the quota reform movement over the past two days with the police’s assistance. Many leaders of the movement have been picked up and beaten on the streets, often in the presence of the media. But why is Bangladesh’s largest … Read more
Originally Published in Suddhashar. Killings without trial, stolen elections, a tamed judiciary, co-opted movements–our country is witnessing the rise of an all-powerful Authoritarian regime. How did we get here? “Men look not at the greatness of the evil past, but the greatness of the good to follow.” -Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651) More than fifty people … Read more
Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, a prominent secularist author and intellectual was attacked with a knife at the back of his head on March 3, 2018. A day after the attack, counterterrorism officials said that the youth who carried out it could be a member of the banned militant outfit Ansar al Islam. On the same … Read more