Anupam Debashis Roy is a

Bangladeshi columnist, author and activist.

He is currently an editor of Muktiforum, a platform for writers, artists and activists dedicated to building a liberal, pluralist and pro-people society. He is also the president of nonprofit organization Let Expression be Free (LEBF). He is most known for his columns, videos and political activism against authoritarianism in Bangladesh and abroad. He is currently working as an editorial assistant at The Daily Star. He is also a regular contributor to Himal Southasian.

Anupam is also the author of storybook Sontan (The Offspring), Opraproboyoskota (Non-adulthood), a book of poems, School Maane Addakhana (School means Leisure–Nonfiction), Not All Springs End Winter (Nonfiction), Smriti Ebong Somadhi (Memories and the Grave–Storybook), and Abbaya (The Unvanquished–Novel). Aside from being an author and activist, Anupam is also known for his satirical political videos published on YouTube and Facebook.

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We, the Oppressed–Speaking at the Rohingya Genocide protests at the UN Headquarters

The greatest minority is the individual. Even the White male faces oppression from everyone else in the society. All around ...

Budget 2017-18 Analysis (1.4 Million+ Views): ভাস্কর্যের ঘোমটায় মালসাহেবের খেমটা নাচ এবং একটি দুর্নিবার অর্থনীতির হতাশ্বাসের গল্প

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Hasina's India Tour, Mamata, Teesta and the State of Bangladesh's Soverignty

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Hasina’s India Tour, Mamata, Teesta and the State of Bangladesh’s Soverignty

ইন্ডিয়া হলো বাংলাদেশের কিশোরী গার্লফ্রেন্ডের মতো। নিজে তো কিছু করবেই না, অন্যরা কিছু করলে হিংসায় মরে যাবে। চীনের প্রেসিডেন্ট আসছে, ...


Stealing Shahbag: Third Force Dynamics and Electoral Politics in Bangladesh

First published on September 17, 2018.DOI: 38 issue: 3_suppl, ...
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